
How to attract money with bay leaves

You probably know bay leaves as a cooking herb for your favorite dishes, and they are easy to find at any grocery store. Indigenous to the Mediterranean region, bay leaves have also been known for ages for protection and abundance magic. In this article, we’ll show you what you can do to raise the vibration in your daily life and how to attract money with bay leaves. 4 rituals to attract money with bay leaves   1. Bay leaves in the wallet to make a new year financially better Let’s start by talking about bay leaves in the wallet. A classic ritual to attract money with bay leaves is to write your wishes on a bay leaf and keep it in your wallet, leaving the leaf there for the first month of the new year. 2. Bay leaves in your wallet all year round There are also those who simply leave a bay leaf (with nothing written on it) permanently stored in their wallet, replacing it with another one when it gets too dry, believing that the presence of the leaf inside the wallet may

3 Easy Ways To Remove The Negative Energy At Home

  Ever walk into a home and immediately you feel like something is just off or heavy. Maybe your clients think they just want to give their home a makeover but at the root of it all is some negative energy in the home that they need to address unknowingly.      There are some easy ways to remove negative energy at home without having to hire an exorcist for the energy vampire bringing in the bad vibes. Let's first talk about how to identify the bad juju with a home. Symptoms Of Negative Energy At Home Everyone is tired all the time and sleep is not restful Money doesn't flow easily and the bills are piling up Losing your phone, purse or keys and it's hard to find them Everyone is stressed and finding it difficult to cope Communicating within the family is hard (maybe even non-existent) Negative emotions and thoughts run amok Concentrating seems like the most difficult task in the world How does this happen? People bring bad or negative energy with them into the home. And

Web Search Evaluator Jobs: Make Money Online in 2022

We often talk about the best work-at-home opportunities and ways to work for yourself such as blogging , freelance writing , selling crafts , or bookkeeping . But what if you feel like you aren’t good in any of these niches? Well, today, I have something for you: web search evaluator . It’s a lesser-known work-at-home job but it is flexible, completely remote and as per the information I’ve gathered online and from people who’ve been working as web search evaluators, it is pretty easy to start. Some of them have even told me how much they love the job! If you want to get your feet wet with working online but aren’t interested in the jobs I’ve recommended in this post , working as a web search evaluator might be a good fit for you. What is a web search evaluator? Almost all of us turn to Google for almost everything, right? But Google is operated by machines and algorithms, and sometimes, it gives you results that aren’t relevant to your search. For example, when y

How to Sell Art Online and Make Money From Home

  Do you want to make money by selling your art projects? Today, we’re exploring the best places to sell art online so you can earn money from your passion! Many people want to become artists but aren’t sure how to earn a living selling art . Maybe you already consider yourself an artist, but you have trouble making money with your art.   I’m sure you’ve heard the term starving artist , am I right? Well, it doesn’t have to be that way. In this post, we’ll show you how to sell art online and make money, so you can be free to pursue your passion and pay the bills. As more and more people are selling products online these days, there are many websites dedicated to helping you do the same with your art. Where you sell your art online depends on what type of art you sell. There are a wide variety of mediums that art encompasses. From drawing and painting to crafting and woodworking, chances are, if you’re doing it, you can sell it and make money online. Here are

Avoid these mistakes if you want to succeed in life

    Sometimes, success is not about knowing what to do, but it is about knowing what NOT to do. Like what Benjamin Franklin said, “Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship.” You may not aware that you are making mistakes that cause you great success in life. No matter how skillful, talented, or knowledgeable you are, if you continue to make mistakes, success will still elude you. For example, if you want to have a healthy body, you eat more greens and you commit to exercising, but if you don’t get rid of your bad drinking habit, you will never achieve the health level as you expected in the future. Life is like running a marathon, you can be running on the right direction, but if there are things and people constantly distracting you and trying to get you off course, you may not be able to finish the marathon in life. The same goes with success in life. You know what you want, you have clear and specifics goals, and you understand your plan, but if you don’t g

99+ Productive Things To Do With No Money (& Have Fun)

  Has your mind drawn a blank? You’re desperate to be doing SOMETHING but you have no money. Are you supposed to just sit there like a couch potato watching TV? Only you’ve just got rid of cable and Netflix and don’t have Amazon Prime so…… You’re stuck at home bored, with no money and what you really want is a list of fun things to do without spending money, that are fun, productive and give you a real sense of achievement. Not too much to ask is it? you can have fun without spending money Having no money doesn’t mean you have to stop having fun or stop doing everything. Far from it. You can start doing so many productive and useful things that will improve your happiness, your finances and can also be fun! All without spending any money. These are all free things to do that don’t require money, they are all free activities, apart from spending your time and energy. I’ve compiled this huge list of things to do that do